Sina Hasan is a communications expert, filmmaker and photographer. With a decade of experience in the development and humanitarian field, Sina has built a solid footprint – based out of Bangladesh and working primarily in South Asia. Sina Hasan started as a television producer, later expanding his expertise to communications, social & behavioural change and information & education-based communications, grants & fundraising communications, media management, knowledge management, outreach and advocacy. He currently leads the Communications and Media Department at Nutrition International, Bangladesh.
His notable works include photography and comms management for HKH Crown Princess Mary of Denmark (present Queen), the documentary ‘INBORN’ by National Geographic Covid-19 award fund 2020, the BBC Media Action TV show ‘Amrai Pari’ 2013-15 and the BBC Media Action TV series ‘Hello Check’ 2016-17, multimedia productions for the Rohingya Response program by BBC Media Action 2018, CXB, and the BBC Media Action Nepal 2018 ‘Retrofitting’ animation series, and Swiss TV & Radio. He has also worked as a communication material consultant for REFLEKT, a Swiss media firm, ActionAid Bangladesh, the BRAC Center, International Rescue Committee, Handicap International, James P Grant School, Solidarity Center, Cordaid, CS Monitor (USA) etc.
National Geographic Society Covid-19 Award Fund for documentary ‘Inborn’ and one of the best 50 photos around the world, 2020
The Guardian Magazine
‘Dream Home’
One of the best photograph
around the world, June 2021
Digital Empowerment Foundation, India, Social Media and Empowerment award, ‘Amrai Pari’ facebook page, 2017
Asian Broadcasting Union, Best factual TV program ‘Amrai Pari’ on Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction, 2016
Two National Awards on Public Speaking and Bengali Writing
Bangladesh National Library Day 2003
2013 - 2024